Sunday 17 February 2013

Color Co-ordinates

Color Co-ordinates ranges are a matter of designer choice & there is no universal standard range for many color space.There are different type of color co-ordinates which are explained below:-

1)Hex Triplet

1)Hex Triplet:- Hex triplet is a six digit three byte hexadecimal number used in HTML,CSS & SVG and other computing applications to represent colors.The bytes represent red ,green & blue color component.The one byte represent number from 00 to FF (in hexadecimal) & 0 to 255 (in decimal).The hex triplet is formed by concatenating  three bytes in following order:-
Byte 1:red value (color type red)
Byte 2:green value(color type green)
Byte 3:blue value(color type blue)

If the values of red ,green & blue component is respectively 36,104 & 160.Then these are represented by 24,68 & A0 in hexadecimal notation.So hex triplet is obtained by concatenating 6 hexadecimal digit & in this case it will be 2468A0.If any one of these three color values are less than 10 in hex.Then it must be represented with a leading 0 because hex triplet exactly have a six digit number.

2)sRGB:-sRGB is a standard color space created by HP & Microsoft co-operatively.It is used in monitors ,printers & internet.The sRGB color space is well specified & is designed to match home & office view conditions.LCDs ,Digital Cameras & Scanners & printers all follow the RGB  color space.
sRGB also defines a non-linear transformation between the intensity of these primaries.
ChromaticityRedGreenBlueWhite point

3)CMYK:-It is also called substractive color model .It is used in color printing.If we mix green & blue color in equal proportion then we get Cyan color .If we mix red & blue color in equal proportion then we get magenta & if we combine Red & Green in equal proportion then we get yellow color . K in CMYK used as key color .It is also said that it is used for last letter in black.Because b is already used for blue.

4)HSV:- HSV is used for hue,saturation & value.It is also known as HSB where B is used for brightness.HSV is basically used in computer vision & image analysis for feature detection or image analysis.
The main disadvantage of HSV is it choose a single color & ignore much off complexity of color appearance.

*For calculating no of entries in color table we can use formula 2 ^n where n is the bit depth.So ,it is directly depend on bit-depth.

* General formula for calculating starting address of image data is here:-

           Sa=(Size of header + Size of Color Table)
For More than 8-bit depth

Sa=Size of header

Because there is no color table in image of more than 8-bit depth.

For =<8 bit depth,

Sa=(Size of header+(4*no of possible colors)
    =(Size of header +(4*2^n))

where n is bit depth of image.

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